[No. 669. Deposited November 8th 1864 by [signed] Sep. Winner Proprietor] Respectfully Dedicated to HUGH A. CLARKE ESQ. "Down With the STARS and BARS" [8 Nov 1864] Patriotic Song & Chorus written by FRANK MACNEILL music by W[illia]m. M. WECKERLY. Philadelphia, PA: SEP. WINNER, 933 Spr. Garden St. [Engraver] Geo. F. Swain. [M 1640 .W] [26998] [COPYRIGHT 16Jan 1865 LIBRARY] [Source: civilwardigital.com] 1. Up with the starry banner. Down with the stars and bars. God bless the flag that’s floated In three successful wars. CHORUS [sung twice after each VERSE] Up with our nation’s banner, The glorious stripes and stars Down with the traitors emblem Down with the stars and bars. 2. Up with the starry banner, Down with the traitor foe. The Government our fathers made Is the only one we know. 3. Up with the starry banner, Forever let it fly, A sign of hope to nations far A beacon in the sky. 4. Up with the starry banner, The banner of our love, That came to us by angel hands From regions far above. 5. Up with the starry banner, Let it float o’er the land Aye, from the broad St. Lawrence Unto the Rio Grande. 6. Up with the starry banner, With not a star obscured But purified and hallowed In all it hath endured.