"A tear for the Comrade that's gone" [28 Apr 1864] [Words by Capt. T. F. Winthrop (reprinted in 1869, page 102-3 of "The Pacific Glee Book")] Music by A. J. Abbey New York, NY: FIRTH, SON & CO., 563 Broadway [25478] [924] [COPYRIGHT 28 Apr 1864 LIBRARY] [March 29, 1865] [M 1640 .A] [Plate Nio,] 5792 [Source: civilwardigital.com] 1. We laid him to rest ’neath the wild laurel tree, Far, far from his dear northern home, Where never a sound of its wild moaning sea, Or a scent of its roses may come; Where no hand of kindred may strew to green sod, With blossoms at twilight or dawn With a sigh for the hearts that are stricken of God, And a tear for the Comrade that’s gone. CHORUS 1 A tear for the Comrade that’s gone, A tear for the Comrade that’s gone. With a sigh for the hearts that are stricken of God, And a tear for the Comrade that’s gone. 2. The roses will come in the garden of home, And summer will gladden the earth, But the form of that loved one, ah! never will come To cheer up the devolate hearth. The wild wailing north wind the snow wreaths will sweep, And the autumn leaves withered and sere They can never disturb that brave hero’s sound sleep, The dear comrade we mourn with a tear. CHORUS 2 A tear for the Comrade that’s gone, A tear for the Comrade that’s gone. They can never disturb that brave hero’s sound sleep, The dear Comrade we mourn with a tear. 3. Together we stood in the thick of the fray, Together we stemmed the red tide; He was true to the laws he had sworn to obey, For the flag of his love he has died. No more shall our bugles his brave heart cheer on, Or reveille wake him at dawn; Let us give as a tribute a soldier’s last boon, And a tear for the Comrade that’s gone. CHORUS 3 A tear for the Comrade that’s gone, A tear for the Comrade that’s gone. Let us give as a tribute a solddier’s last boon, And a tear for the Comrade that’s gone.