[Deposited November 29th A. D, 1863. Recorded Volume 38. Page 651.] [No. 237.] "From the Red Battlefield" [29 Nov 1863; 13 Feb 1864] or The Dead Volunteers. QUARTETTE Words by J. W. BARKER, Music by N. Barker. Boston, MA: Oliver Ditson & Co., 277 Washington St. Cin.: J. Church Jr. N. York, NY: W. A. Pond & Co. Boston, MA: J. C. Haynes & Co. Phila., PA: J. E. Gould. [24663] [M 1640 .B] [COPYRIGHT Feb 13 1864 LIBRARY] [Plate no.] 22078 [Engraver] W. Davenport. [Source: civilwardigital.com] 1. Silently, tenderly, mournfully home, From the red battle field Volunteers come, Now with a loud hurrah, Nor with a wild eclat, Not with the tramp of war, Come our brave sons from far; Gentle and noiselessly bear them along, Hush’d be the battle hymn, music and song. 2. Silently, tenderly, mounfully home, Nas as they marched away, Volunteers come, Not with the sword and gun, Now with the stirring drum, Come our dead heroes home, Now all his work is done;— Thoughtfully, peacefully bear ye the dead, Pillow it softly, the Volunteer’s head. 3. Silently tenderly, mournfully home, Where should the fallen brave Volunteer come, But to his native hills, Where the bright, gushing rills Freedom’s sweet music fills And her soft dew distills! Peacefully, prayerfully, lay our brave friend, Close by the home that he fought to defend. 4. Silently, tearfully, welcome the brave, Glory encircles the patroot’s grave, Here let affection swell, Here let the marble tell, How the brave hero fell, Loving his country well,— Silently, tenderly, mournfully home, Welcom the Volunteers, one by one.