"Uncle Abram, Bully For You!" (1862) Words by J. Smith, Jr. Music by G.R. Lampard. G. R. Lampard Publication: Chicago: H.M. Higgins, 117 Randolph St. [Source: 006/109@Levy] 1. Ho! the glorious Proclamation, Bounding glandly o’er the land; Speaking to a joyful nation Of her Jubilee at hand! Bounding to the nigger drivers, Like the Judgement tempest’s blast, For our Uncle Abra’m’s “dander” Is completely “ziz” at last. CHORUS [sung after each verse Give ’em Jesse, Uncle Abra’m, Put the rebel scoundrels through! ||: Hear the nation shout the chorus— “Uncle Abra’m, bully for you!” :|| 2. How the rebel hordes skedaddle From McCLELLAN’S legions brave! Swift their pirate craft will paddle Up Salt River’s winding wave. Won’t the cloud of wrath grow bigger, Won’t they miss the pork and corn, When the everlasting nigger From their woodpile shall be torn? 3. Texas call to Carolina, Pale with rage and faint with fear; Beat the banjo, Pomp and Dinah, Kingdom Come is almost here. Now, before our growing vigor, Bloody Treason cow’rs and quails. Three times three, and add a “tiger,” For the Splitter of the Rails!