Respectfully Dedicated to Wilson G. Horner, Esq. "The Flag With Thirty Four Stars, or, Hurrah! For the Dear Old Flag With Every Stripe and Star" (1862) A Patriotic Song, with Chorus. Words by Gen. W. H. Hayward. Composed and Arranged by Prof. C. S. Root. Cincinnati: A.C. Peters & Bro., No. 94 West fourth Str., opposite the Post Office Ehrgott, Forbriger & Co., Lith. Plate No. 3450.3 [Source: 012/122@Levy] 1. The Rebels sing the “Bonnie Blue Flag” but we the “Stripes and Stars,” Our Union Flag we love so true, will conquer their Stars and Bars; Their Secesh airs, their Marylands, are contraband of war; Our cause is right and the Flag for the fight, is one with thirty four stars. CHORUS [sung after each verse] Hurrah! Hurrah! for equal rights Hurrah! Hurrah! for the dear old Flag, with ev’ry Stripe and Star. 2. Our song is for the U nion, and triumph sure we must, The cause so just will prosper, when in God we place our trust; Our Flag’s our pride victorious behold it near and far, We bear aloft, red, white and blue, with ev’ry Stripe and Star. 3. Protection we extend to all, the exiles finds a home In our Columbia’s glorious land; the stranger’s welcome. Come! They with us heart and hand unite, to crush the rebel war, And fight for our red, white and blue, with ev’ry Stripe and Star. 4. The sections of the Union, firm, loyal, ever true, United with the Border States, the rebel hordes pursue; With Maryland, of Southern clime— none dare her bright fame mar— Stand by our Flag, our own true Flag, with every Stripe and Star. 5. Hurrah for brave McClellan, of bold Antiatam fame, Victory crowned his battle Flag, a charm is in his name; And Hooker, Sigle, Kenly too, who each can show a scar, Pour out their blood this Flag to save, with every Stripe and Star. 6. With Foote, Dupont, Rosecrans, true heroes of the West, And Halleck, Burnside, Butler too, whose valor will attest, And those who fought in Maryland, by old South Mountain side, Drove Lee and Jackson from our soil, across Potomac’s tide. 7. All honor to the men who fight; tears for the noble dead; Our country mourns her soldiers brave, whose blood for us was shed; And every patriot volunteer enlisted for the war, God bless them battling for our Flag, with every Stripe and Star.