"Elegy on the Death of L[ieutenan]t Col[onel]. Ch[arles]. D[idier]. Dreux" [11 Jun 1862] [1832 - 5 July 1861] Killed in defending his Country on the 5th of July of 1861 In the Vicinity of Yorktown Va. Words by James R. Randall. Music by G[eorge]. M. Loening. W. H, Leeson, Eng., N.C. New Orleans, LA: G. M. LOENING, 96 Canal St. [M 1642 .L] [Source: civilwardigital.com] 1. Weep, Louisiana, weep weep thy gallant dead! Weave the green laurel on the’undaunted head! Fling thy bright banner o’er the breast which bled o’er the breast which bled, Defending thee! Defending thee! Weep, imperial City, weep deep and wild! Weep for thy martyred and heroic child, The young, the brave, the brave, the free, the undefiled, Ah, weep for him! Ah, weep for him! Ah, weep for him! Lo! Lo the wail surgeth from embattled bands, By Yorktown plains and Pensacola sands, Reechoing to the golden, to the golden sugar lands, Adieu! Adieu! Adieu! Adieu! 2. The death of honor was the death he’d crave, was the death he’d crave o’er the impetuous grave, And live for aye. And live for aye. To die where weapons clash and pennons wave To welcome freedom o’er the impetuous grave, His blood had too much lightning to be still; His spirit was the torrent, was the torrent, not the rill The gods have loved him, have loved him, and the Eternal Hill Is his, at last, is his, at last, is his, at last. He died while yet his eye, while his chainless eye could roll, Flashing the conflagrations of his soul; The rose and mirror of the bold of the bold, bold Creole, He sleepeth well, he sleepeth well. 3. Lament, lament lone mother, for his early fate, But bear thy burden with a hope elate, For thou hast shrined thy jewel in the state, thy jewel in the state, A priceless boon! A priceless boon! And thou, sad wife, thy sacred tears belong To the untarnised and immortal throng, For he shall fire the poet’s heart In thrilling strains, The heart and song, in thrilling strains, in thrilling strains. And the fair Virgins of our sunny clime Shall wed their music to the minstrel’s rhyme, Making his fame melodious melodious for all time. It can not, can not, cannot die.