"Corn is King!" (1862) From the Continental Monthly. Music By H[iram]. T. Merrill. Chicago: Published by the Author, at the Academy of Music, No. 164 Clark Street Plate number: 227 3 [Source: 087/096@Levy] 1. Up among the Granite mountains, By the Bay State strand, Hark! the paean cry is sounding Thro’ all Yankee land. Wave the stars and stripes high o’er us, Every freeman sing, In a loud and joyful chorus: Brave young Corn is King! CHORUS 1 Join, join, for God and Freedom! Sing, Northmen, sing: Old King Cotton’s dead and buried, Brave young Corn is King. 2. Southward rolls the cry of gladness, On past Washington; Where the bondslave stoops no longer, But stand up a Man! O’er the fields of ’Ole Virginny! Floats the black man’s song: ’Brudders, God is taking vengeance For de darkey’s wrong! CHORUS 2 Shout, shout, for God and Freedom! Sing, darkeys sing! Massa Cotton’s dead foreber, Massa Corn is King! 3. Thro’ the Misssis sippi valley, Down the river’s tide, Hosts of patriots rush to rally On their Country’s side; And across the green savannahs Of the southern clime, Armies under Union banners To this song keep time: CHORUS 3 March, march, for God and Freedom! Sing, soldiers sing! Pallid Cotton’s dead and buried, Yellow Corn is King. 4. Let the tidings swell o’er ocean To another shore, Till proud England pales and trembles Where she scoff’d before! Ne’er again shall serpent friendship Rise to hiss and sting! Cotton leagues no more with Traitors, Honest Corn is King! CHORUS 4 March, march for God and Freedom! Sing, Americans sing! Tyrant Cotton’s dead forever: Honest Corn is King.