"There Was an Old Soldier" (circa 1861-1865) Words/Music -- anonymous 1. O there was an old soldier and he had a wooden leg. He had no tobacco but tobacco could be beg. Another old soldier as sly as a fox, He always had tobacco in his old tobacco box. 2. Said the one old soldier, "Won't you give me a chew?" Said the other old soldier, "I'll be hanged if I do, Save up your pennies and put away your rocks, And you'll always have tobacco in your tobacco box." 3. Well, the one old soldier was feelin' very bad, He says, "I'll get even, begad!" He goes to a corner, takes a rifle from his pig, And stabs the other soldier with a splinter in his leg. 4. There was an old hen and she had a wooden foot, And she made her nest by a mulberry root, And she laid more eggs than any hen on the farm; And another wooden foot wouldn't do her any harm.