Union, God and Liberty "Our National Flag" (1861) Words by W. Gibbs, Esq. Music by P. J. Whipple Chicago, IL: H. M. Higgins, 117 Randolph St. [Engraver:] Pearson [Source: 089/106@Levy] 1. Forget not the flag of our nation, Brave freemen whereever you roam; Though ever so hymble your station, Stand by the old flag of our home. CHORUS [sung after each VERSE] Our National Flag Republican Flag, The “Star Spangled Banner” defend, For proudly it waves Over patriot graves, And there it shall wave to the end. 2. Those colors bright, blossomed in storry, Were penciled in Liberty’s stain— Deep traces of crimson to glory By many a warrior slain. 3. So soon, shall the shades of oppression That battlefield Banner deface; So soon shall their names be secession Be sever’d in shame and disgrace! 4. Preserve it and be its defender, From dangers at home and abroad, Resolv’d it shall never surrender, In the name of our country and God. 5. While Union exists in our mountains, And Liberty worships each crag, While freedom flows forth from our fountains, We’ll stand for the National flag. 6. Though Presidents frighten’d, neglect it, It cannot be trailed in the dust, The yeomanry now will protest it. The PEOPLE are true to their trust.