"He was famed for deeds of arms" [1861] A Patrriotic Song sung with great applause by Mr. Geo. Simpson. [Words by CHERRY.] Melody by D. CORRI. Newly adapted and arranged by J[ames]. GASPARD MAEDER. New York, NY: FIRTH, POND & CO., 547 Broadway. Boston: O. DITSON & CO. CIncinnati: C. Y. FONDA. Pittsburgh: H. KLEBER & BRO. New Orleans: P. P. WERLEIN & HALSEY. [Plate no.] 5165 [Engraver:] Clayton. [Source: civiilwardigital.com] 1. He was fam'd for deeds of arms, She a Maid of envied charms; Now to him her love imparts, One pure flame pervades both hearts. Honor calls him to the field, Love to conquest now must yield: “Sweet maid, ” he cries “again I’ll come to thee, I’ll come to thee, When the glad trumpet sounds a Victory!” 2. Battle now with fury glows, Hostile blood in tortents flows; His duty tells him to depart, She press’d her hero to her heart, And now the trumpet sounds to arms, to arms, to arms, And now the clash of war’s alarms! “Sweet maid” he cries “again I’ll come to thee, I’ll come to thee, When the glad tumpet sounds a Victory!” 3. He with love and conquest burns, Both subdue his mind by turns; Death the Soldier now enthralls! With his wounds the Hero falls! She, disdsining war’s alarms, Rush’d and caught him in her arms. “Oh! Death” he cried “thou art Welcome now to me, welcome now to me, For hark! the trumpet sounds a Victory!”