[20656] [No. 598. Sep. 13 Nov. 1861 [signed] Sep Winner, Propr.] "God and Liberrty" [13 Sep 1861] A National Hymn Words by Mrs. Thomas M. Coleman Music by Geo[rge]. Felix Benkert.[1831-1876] [Lithographer] Geo[orge]. Swain. Philadelphia, PA: Sep. Winner, 532 Nth. Eighth St. [M 1640 .B] [Source: civilwardigital.com] 1. Where shall we go unless to Thee; Oh God of Light and Liberty, In Thy loved name we humbly bow, And crave Thy kind protection now. CHORUS 1-2. In Thy loved name we humbly bow, And crave Thy kind protection now. 2. Unworthy of Thy aid we own Our selves, and bend before Thy throne; Aid us to fight in Freedom’s cause, Uphold her rights maintain her laws.