Phases of Liberty FOUR SONGS Freedom's Rally, Freedom's Lament, Freedom's Revival, and Freedom's Jubilee by Adam D. Logan. Freedom's Rally. Freedom's Revival. Freedom's Jubilee-Quartette. [No. 3 of 4 from FOUR SONGS] "Freedom's Revival" [18 Oct 1861] Words and Music by Adam D. Logan New York, NY: FIRTH, POND & Co. [Source:] CHORUS [sung before each VERSE] The darker the hour, the brighter the morrow, Whose bright beams shall glisten and banish our sorrow, O’er the grave of the Sire, his son an arm’d Knight, Freedom’s home shall defend, Hurra! for the fight! Hurrah. 1. Our Sire’s bequeath’d in freedom’s accord To our heart’s the same fire, to our hands the same sword; Light foot for the green sward, swift dash at the foe ’Till mountain shall echo, “The Traitor lies low.” 2. The battle of Freedom, though seldom ’tis won, Each Sire shall transmit its cause to his son, Till the great God of battles proclaim jubilee, In the fullness of time, when all shall be Free. 3. Our forefathers spurn’d the Despot’s proud reign, A New World they sought, across the wide main, This Home for the Free, with Sole Law Divine, With Freedom to live or die at her Shrine.