"A Nation's Trust in God" [6 July 1861; 15 Nov 1861] Written by Miss Cynthia Bullock. inscribed to the Highland Guard 79th Regt, N. Y. S. M. Arranged by S. Lasar. [Lithographer:] Wakelam. New York, NY: Firth, Pond & Co., 547 Broadway Boston: O. DITSON & CO. Cincinnati: C. Y. FONDA. Pittsburgh: H. KLEBER & BRO. New Orleans: P. P. WERLEIN & HALSEY. [20,011] [Nov. 15, 1861] [263] [Deposited in District Clerk's Office, District of New York] [M 1640 .L] [July 6, 1861] [Plate No.] 5158 [Source: 200001538@LoC/IHAS-CWM; civilwardigital.com] [sung as VERSE and QUARTETTE] 1. To the Majesty on high, Ruling oceans, earth, and sky, Lo! the nation lifts its eye: God we trust in Thee; Thou art judge supreme alone, Justice gems thy glorious throne, Make Columbia’s cause thine own— God we trust in Thee! [sung as VERSE and QUARTETTE] 2. Shield the patriotic band, Who with willing heart and hand, Fly to save their native land— God we trust in Thee! Thou from discord, peace can bring; And our heart’s deep sorrowing Change to joy’s exultant spring: God we trust in Thee. [sung as VERSE and QUARTETTE] 3. Shield the patriotic band, Who with willing heart and hand, Fly to save their native land— God we trust in Thee! Thou from discord, peace can bring; And our heart’s deep sorrowing Change to joy’s exultant spring: God we trust in Thee. [sung as VERSE and QUARTETTE] 4. When sweet Freedom’s banner bright, Floats in morning’s dappled light, Or the starry eyes of night, Then our soungs shall be: Glory to the King above, Who in mercy, changeless love, Bade our land His wisdom prove— God all praise to Thee!