Dedicated to Marie White Longman "The Sandman" (1912) Words by Mary White Slater (1910) Music by Carrie Jacobs-Bond, 1862-1946 [Source: pp. 84-86 from "Songs Everybody Sings"] 1. When the lights are lit, And the table's set, And the maid brings in the buns, Tommy Tinker's eyes Get as big and wise, For that's when the sandman comes. 2. From his great high chair He tries to stare, And pretend he's wide awake; But his hand falls down, And he drops his spoon, And the sandman gets his cake. 3. And the butter'd bun With the jelly on, Rosy red as jells should be; And the last sweet sup From the silver cup, Of the drowsy cambric tea. 4. Ah! my beauteous boy; I am sad with joy, I am glad with a pain that fears. In your mother's breast I would keep your nest, For the sandman of the years.