To Archy Hughes. "Oh Aint I Got the Blues!" (1871) Song & Dance as sung by Welch, Hughes & White's Minstrels Written & Composed by A. A. Chapman Brooklyn, NY: J. W. Smith, Jr., 373 & 583 Fulton St. Philadelphia, PA: Lee & Walker New York, NY: Wm. Hall & Son New York, NY: Chas. W. Harris Chicago, IL: Root & Cady [Source: 02653@LoC] 1. This world contains an awful set, And me they so abuse; I’ve got a horrid fit of what The people call “the blues.” The sky is “blue” as indigo; The ground is black as ink I’ve not a friend in all the world Would stand me for a drink. CHORUS [sung after each VERSE] Oh aint I got the blues! My sadness you’d excuse, If you knew like me what ’tis to have Such a terrible fit of the blues. 2. I think I was unlucky born, Tho’t was not always so, I’ve had as brilliant prospects sure, As any man could show But now I find as sole return For all my toil and care, My sky, tho’ clear, is darkly “blue”. My road is rough and bare. 3. I had “great expectations” once When uncle John should die; I hoped to get a million quite— Now how was that for hight? But of these charming hopes he soon My mind did disabuse: My cousins all the money got— I only got “the blues.”* *(SPOKEN. Yes, and I got them pretty bad too, I can tell you, for I had set my heart on that little pile But such is life!) 4. And so it goes, the prettiest girls My hand do all refuse: They go with other luckier chaps; And leave me with “the blues” If you’d had half the misery In search of worldly pelf That I have had, I need but add “You know how tis yourself.”