"Down Hearted Blues" (1922) Words by Alberta Hunter, 1895-1984 Music by Lovie Austin 1. Gee, but it's hard to love someone when that someone don't love you. I'm so disgusted, heart-broken, too. I've got those down hearted blues. Once I was crazy 'bout a {man. He|gal. She} mistreated me all the time. The next {man|gal} I get {he's|she's} got to promise me to be mine, all mine. 2. If I could only find the {man|gal} oh how happy I would be. To the Good Lord ev'ry night I pray. Please send my {man|gal} back to me. I've almost worried myself to death wondr'ing why {he|she} went away. But just wait and see {he's|she's} gonna want me back some sweet day. CHORUS 1 Trouble, trouble, I've had it all my days. Trouble, trouble, I've had it all my days. It seems that trouble's goint to follow me to my grave. CHORUS 2 Got the world in a jug, the stopper's in my hand. Got the world in a jug, the stopper's in my hand. Going to hold it, baby, till you come under my command. Additional Choruses (Ad lib.) CHORUS 3 Say, I ain't loved but three {men|women} in my life. No, I ain't loved but three {men|women} in my life, 'Twas my {father, brother|mother, sister} and the {man|woman} who wrecked my life. CHORUS 4 'Cause {he|she} mistreated me and {he|she} drove me from {his|her} door, Yes, {he|she} mistreated me and {he|she} drove me from {his|her} door, But the Good Book says you'll read just what you sow. CHORUS 5 Oh, it may be a week and it may be a month or two, Yes, it may be a week and it may be a month or two, But the day you quit your honey, it's coming home to you. CHORUS 6 Oh, I walked the floor and I wrung my hands and cried, Yes, I walked the floor and I wrung my hands and cried, Hand the down hearted blues and couldn't be satisfied.