"Say No!" (1875) Song & Chorus Words by Mrs. D. A. Beale Music by Philip Paul Bliss, 1838-1876 Cincinnati, OH: John Church & Co., 66 W. Fourth St. Plate No. 2243-4 [Source: 04810@LoC] 1.  Young me, if you’ll listen, I’ve something to say, ’Tis something you all ought to know. To get through the world you must needs learn the way To happily, safely go. CHORUS [sung after each verse] Just learn at once to say No. With all your might to say No. When you’re tempted to stray from the straight narrow way, Remember, the right word is No, No, No, No! Remember, the right word is No. 2.  Wherever you go, and what ever you do, You’ll meet with full many a foe. Stand firm by the Right, to your honor be true, Be ready at times to say No! 3.  Beware of a foe by the name of “Saloon” Who oft is a basement you’ll see, The way may be broad, but you’ll find very soon A slave in his fetters you’ll be. 4.  Beware of a foe who will hide in the smoke, And all his vile offers refuse; He’ll blind a man’s eye, ’tis indeed a sad joke­­ He cheats him as much as he chews. 5.  Sing not of the “noble young men of our land,” Nor call the the “home of the free,” When thousands around us on every hand Are willing in bondage to be.