SONGS AND BALLADS by DUCLEY BUCK. [1839-1909] [Contains: Three Songs for Mezzo Soprano Five Songs for Alto or Baritone Five Songs for Tenor or Spprano Five Songs for Baritone [3] Miscellaneous Songs] "Where the Linden Bloom" (1881) Words by Francis Bennoch [Music by] Dudley Buck, Op. 87, No.1. [1839-1909] New York, NY: G. SCHIRMER, 35 Union Square Plate No. 2722 [Source: 139/051@Levy] Come, come, come beloved! Come where the lindens bloom! Come, come, come beloved, And drink of their sweet perfume. Meet me, ah! meet me beneath the shade, Day into night begins to fade. A time for wooers and wooing made Is the twilight’s deep’nong gloom. Come, come, come beloved, Come where the lindens bloom! Come, come, come, my sweetest, my dearest, my fairest one, cpme! Wait, wait, O wait! I will come unto thee betimes: Wait, wait, O wait! I will come with thee evening chmes. See the light fades in the western sky, Tenderly gaze the kind stars from on high, Dark’ning shadows outspreading lie Beneath the odorous times! Here, here, here, ah, here, My beautiful met at last! Here, here, here, Around thee my shettering arms I cast! The storms of life may fiercely blow, And sorrow in surging tide’s may flow, What ever may come, Come joy, come woe, Still here, here, here: Thy refuge forever, forever is here!