"Our School Boy Days" (1880) Song & Chorus Words and Music by G. H. Goodwin Springfield, MA: G. H. Goodwin [Source: 12775@LoC] 1. How many times and many ways, We all have told our schoolboy days, That bring to mind our old comrades When we were young and happy lads. Though years have passed since we have met Their faces I shall ne’er forget Ah could I see them now as then! But we have changed from boys to men. [CHORUS sung after each VERSE] What fond delights, And heartfelt joys! Life seemed all play When we were boys. Tho’ time rolls on, And mem’ry strays, We ne’er forget Our schoolboy days. 2. The schoolhouse stood upon a plot, I fancy now I see the spot, And on the green across the way, I see the girls and boys at play. That old schoolhouse stands there today, And from its porch it seems to say, ’Twas here you learned your A, B, C; Your start in life you took through me. 3. Methinks I see that old birchtree, Whose branches oft have sheltered me; Beneath that shade we played our games, And on its bark we cut our names. These schoolboy scenes cling to me still, But other lads our places fill, And they will tell when they get through, The self same tale that I’ve told you.