"De Golden Wedding" (1880) Words and Music by James Allen Bland, 1854-1911 Arranged by J. H. W. [Source: pages 178-179 from "Minstrel Songs, Old and New" (1883)] 1. Let's go to de golden wedding, All the darkies will be there; Oh, such dancing and such treading! And such yellow girls so fair! All the high-toned colored people That reside for miles around, Have received an invitation, And they surely will come down. CHORUS All the darkies will be there, Don't forget to curl your hair; Bring along your damsels fair, For soon we will be treading. Won't you have a jolly time, Eating cake and drinking wine? All the high-toned darkies will be at the Golden Wedding. 2. We will have ice-cream and honey, Apple brandy and mince pie; Darkies, won't it look too funny, When Aunt Dinah does Shoo-Fly? Uncle Joe and Hezikiah From the old Car'lina state, Will be at the Golden Wedding, Kase them colored gents am great. (CHORUS) 3. Old Jim Grace will play the fiddle, Beat the bones and old tambo, And Kersanda will play the essence On Jim Bohee's ole banjo. MacIntosh will kiss Lucinda, Kase she is so very shy; And the little piccaninnies, They will dance and sing Shoo-Fly. (CHORUS)