Oliver Ditson Company's Octavo Edition. Price 10 cents. "Festival Hymn" (1872[; 1902]) Words and Music by Dudley Buck (1839-1909) Composed for the "World's Musical Jubilee" of 1872. Boston, MA: Oliver Ditson & Company Plate No. 4--57--62,354--7. [Source: 2008590848@LoC/ACM] O Peace! on thine upsoaring pinion, Thro’ the world thine onward flight taking, O teach the nations, their turmoil forsaking, To seek thine eternal dominion. From the Infinite Father descending, O come with thine influence tender; And show us how duly to render To Him our glad praise never ending. O Music! thy source too is holy, Thro’ thy pow’r ev’ry heart now uniting, With thy magic each true soul delighting, O blessed bond ’twixt the high and the lowly, Thro’ thee, the great Father adoring, Thy language is known to each nation, Thro’ thee, the vast Hymn of Creation, From tongues without number outpouring, O Music! O Peace! Happy blending of voices and hearts, of voices and hearts in sweet lays, In this union, to God’s holy praise, ever thus your pure influence lending. [Sung twice] Jehovah! Thou Sov’reign of nations! Sweet peace to our land, Thou hast granted, Be Thy praises eternally chanted, In music forevermore! [Coda] Aye! forever more, aye, forever more, In music for ever more. Amen, Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen!