"You Naughty, Naughty Men" (1866) composed for and dedicated to Miss Millie Cavendish, in the "Black Crook," at Nelson's[?] Garden Poetry by T. Kennick. Music by G. Brickwell. New York: Dodworth & Son, 6 Aptor[?] Place [Source: 053/103@Levy] 1. I will never more deceive you, or of happiness bereave you, But I'll die a maid to grieve you, oh! you naughty, naughty men; You may talk of love and sighing, my for us you're nearly dying; All the while you know you're trying to deceive, you naughty men, You may talk of love and sighing, my for us you're nearly dying; All the while you know you're trying to deceive, you naughty, naughty men. 2. When you want a kiss or favor, you put on your best behavior, And your looks of kindness [-], oh! you naughty, naughty men; Of love you set us dreaming, and when with hope we're beaming; We find you are but scheeming, you naughty, naughty men; Of love you set us dreaming, and when with hope we're beaming; We find you are but scheeming, you naughty, naughty, naughty men. 3. If a fortune we inherit, you see in our story merit, And declare we're girls of spirit, oh! you naughty, naughty men, But too often matrimony is a mere matter of money, We get bitters 'stead of honey from you naughty, naughty men, But too often matrimony is a mere matter of money, We get bitters 'stead of honey from you naughty, naughty, naughty men. 4. And when married, how you treat us, and of each fond hope defeat us, And there's none will even heed us, oh! you naughty, naughty men, You take us from our mothers, our sisters and our brothers, When you get us flirt with others, oh! you naughty, naughty men. You take us from our mothers, our sisters and our brothers, When you get us flirt with others, oh! you naughty, cruel wicked men. 5. But with all your faults, we clearly love you wicked fellows dearly, Yes, we dote upon you dearly, oh! you naughty, naughty men. We've no wish to distress you, we would sooner far caress you, And when kind we'll say, oh, bless you, oh! you dear delightful men. We've no wish to distress you, we would sooner far caress you, And when kind we'll say, oh, bless you, oh! you naughty, dear, delightful men.