"Leave It, Ah No! The Land Is Our Own!" (1866) Words by Mrs. M. J. YOUNG. Music by F. W. SMITH. Author of "The Southern Captive," "'Tis Midnight in the Southern Sky," "Our Young Soldiers Gave" &c. Engr'd at Clayton's New Orleans. Published by A. E. BLACKMAR, 167 Canal St. [Plate No.] 279__8 [Engraved by] C[layton?] [Source: civilwardigital.com] 1. Leave it! ah mo! the land is our own, Tho’ the flag that we lov’d is now furl’d A Texian must roam o’dr his own prairie plains, Or find rest in the far spirit world. CHORUS 1 Oh! the Lone Star State our home shall be, While its waters still roll to the Mexican sea; Oh! the Lone Star State our home shall be, Whiile its waters still roll to the Mexican sea. 2. Where shall so blue a sky e’er be found, As the heavens that bend o’er us here? Or where shall sweet flowers as fragrant and fair The warfaring wanderer cheer. CHORUS 2 Oh! the Lone Star State our home shall be, While its waters still roll to the Mexican sea; Oh! the Lone Star State our home shall be, Whiile its waters still roll to the Mexican sea. 3. Here do our Fannins and Travises rest, Our Scurry and Whatton and Green, And here may our heads repose on her breast, When death’s shadow shall fall on the scene. CHORUS 3 Oh! the Lone Star State our home shall be, While its waters still roll to the Mexican sea; Oh! the Lone Star State our home shall be, Whiile its waters still roll to the Mexican sea. 4. Others may seek South American shores, Orizava and fair Montery, But never! because she is burdened with woes, Shall our feet from our own loved State stray, CHORUS 4 Oh! the Lone Star State our home shall be, While her blue rivers roll to the Mexican sea. Oh! the Lone Star State our home shall be, While her blue rivers roll to the Mexican sea. 5. Then here’s to our State! our own dear State! Right or wrong, enslaved or free, In poverty, wealth, enthroned or disowned, Our Mother, our Queen, she shall be. CHORUS 5 Oh! the Lone Star State our home shall be, As long as her rivers run down to the sea. Oh! the Lone Star State our home shall be, As long as her rivers run down to the sea.