"Liberty Chorus" (20 Aug 1860) Words and Music by L. Hinsdale Sherwood [Source: 1860-200001974@LoC/IHAS-CWM] CHORUS 1. Brothers, rouse! A morn is breaking! Earth anew to life awaking; Fetters reading, Tyrants quaking! Up, and bear your part! CHORUS 2. Now, their mortal contest waging, Truth and error are engaging; Pierce the conflict, past assuaging Up, and bear your part! SOLO List ye the wail That loads the gale! Attend the tale! CHORUS 1. Million hearts pleading, Trampled and bleeding, Pass not unheeding, Crush not, nor spurn! CHORUS 2. View is the lowly, Types of the HOLY, HIM dawnning slowly Through hate and scorn! SOLO But better cheer! Tho’s skies are drear, The day is time, The day is near! CHORUS 1. Sing we for Freedom! Glad peals outsending, Soul echoes blending, All hearts in tune. CHORUS 2. Toll we for Freedom! Forefathers hoary, Deathless in Story, Wrought us the boon. CHORUS 1. Pray we for Freedom! Heaven plants the yearning, All homage spurning, Save the tree heart. CHORUS 2. Die we for Freedom! Liberty’s Giver, Us to deliver, Tasted death’s smart. CHORUS Rouse we then, a morn is breaking, Earth anew to life awaking, Fetters rending, Tyrants quaking, Up and claim our part! ||: On, Sons of Liberty! On, On to victory! Truth, Love and Freedom, The Wide World shall sway! :||