[No. 634] [Dep. Dec 2nd 1860. 18384] Respectfully Inscribed to GENL. Sam. HOUSTON, Texas] "For the Union We’ll Die" [2 Dec 1860] Written by W. S. Hurlocke M.D. Composed by Ja[me]s. W. Porter. Op[us]; 340. G. Swain [engraver] Philadelphia, PA: WM. H. COULSTON, 147 Nth. 8th. St. [M 1640 .P] [Jan. 23, 1861] [Source:civilwardigital.com] 1. In oppression’s dark hour, ere our patriot sires, Had poured out their blood for their homes, And with faith in the cause of their holy desire’s. Had strewed glorious fields with their bones; United as one to the rescue they flew— No section that hero band own, ’Twas “comrade,” ’twas “brother,”— hearts noble and true! ’Twas right, ’gainst the might of a throne! CHORUS 1 and 2 They rear’d the proud standard defiant on high— While each bold freeman’s voice in a shout rent the sky! To the rescue ye brave, or a true patriot’s grave— Our birthright to save, for the Union we’ll die. 2. No sectional cry, or vain party strife— ’Twas Union our Liberty won! Undaunted and firm;— Now reck’d they for life— ’Twas the cause of the sire and the son! Shall the shade of the brave who toil’d for the prize— For the boon we have lived to enjoy— Shall the spirit fraternal refulgent in skie’s View its wisdom disdained as a toy! 3. High in air bear the banner the “Union or death”— Inscribed on each star of its fold! With Union forever let each patriot breath Shout for Freedom unpurchased by gold! Accursed by the vile craven heart that would sever The compact of true royal blood,— Grasp each hand as a brother The “Union forever” Who assail it is trator to God! CHORUS 3 Then rear the proud standard defiant on high— While each bold freeman’s voice in a shout rend’s the sky, To the rescue ye brave or a true patriot’s grave, Our Union to save for The “Union we’ll die!”