3d Edition. "Bonnie Bell" (1860) A Ballad By Thomas Spencer Lloyd Albany: Newcomb & Co., 324 Broadway [Source: 130/018@Levy] 1. Like two rosebuds crush'd in snow Are the cheeks of Bonnie Bell. Like the violets that grow 'Mong the daisies in the dell Are her eyes-- the stars of night. Ne'er a mortal heart did swell With such pure and fond delight, As the eyes of Bonnie, Bonnie Bell. Bonnie Bell, Bonnie Bell, As the eyes of Bonnie Bell. 2. Music trembles on the lip Of the fairy Bonnie Bell; Oh! I'd give such sweets to sip, Wealth that Croesus ne'er could tell, I would coin my brain and soul, Could the mintage buy a spell, That would waft me to my goal-- Waft and win me Bonnie, Bonnie Bell, Bonnie Bell, Bonnie Bell, Waft and win me Bonnie, Bonnie Bell. 3. As the sound of silver fine Is the voice of Bonnie Bell, Wit, like bubbles on the wine, Pure as pearls in ocean shell, Sparkle thro' her golden theme; Joyful as a marriage bell, I could glide adown life's stream In one boat with Bonnie, Bonnie Bell, I could glide 'down life's stream In one boat with Bonnie, Bonnie Bell.