Songs & Ballads for the Home Circle [1] Gentle Effie ... W. Iucho, Jr. [2] The Willow Glen ... Walter Meadows. "The Willow Glen" (24 Mar 1856) Sung by Percival, at Buckley's Opera House. Words & Music by Walter Meadows. New York: William Dressler, 933 Broadway, near 22nd Street Plate No. 40 -- 4 [614 Deposited in Clerk'sOffice, S. Dist. N.Y., March 24[9?], 1856.] [Source: 1856-600500@LoC] 1. Sad and lonely thro’ the world I wander Far from friends and home, Tho’ on them my heart will fondly ponder, Onward still I roam; Darling Lilla dear is calmly sleeping Ne’er to wake again, Where the silver dew is nightly weeping In the willow glen. CHORUS [sung after each VERSE] Fare-thee-well my love forever All life’s joys are o’er; Thou art gone where these fond eyes can never, Never see thee more. 2. She was fairer than the young May blossom Budding into bloom, And within her pure and artless bosom Dwelt no shade of gloom; Now among the flowers she is lying Hid from mortal ken, Where the mournful breeze is ever sighing In the willow glen. 3. Side byside we wander’d o’er the heather And each shady dell, And our joy as thus we return’d together, Tongue can never tell; Now she’s gone where there is no more weeping Far from haunts of men, Soon I’ll follow where my Lilla’s sleeping In the willow glen.