[11221 702] Respectfully Dedicated to the Union Men of the Republic "Keep Step to the Music" [1856] A NATIONAL SONG. Written by M. F. Bigney [Mark Frederick Bigney, 1817-1886] of the NEW ORLEANS PICAYUNE. Coimposed by Theod. von La Hache. [Theordore Felix Von De LaHache (1822-1869)] of NEW ORLEANS. Sterens, Eng. Boston, MA: OLIVER DITSON, Washington St. Boston, MA: C. C. CLAPP & CO. Philadelphia, PA: J. E. GOULD. New Orleans, LA: L. CABICI. Cincinnati, OH: D. A. TRUAX. New York, NY: S. T. GORDON. [M 1640 .L] [Acc. No. 74163] Webermann, Eng: & Pr: N.O. [Source: civilwardigital.com] 1. Keep step to the music— the music that thrills, The naional heart, from the sea to the hills, And which, in one glorious anthem combines, Its holiest hopes and its noblest designs. CHORUS 1-5, Repeat 2 times each. Keep step with the music— the music of thrills, The national heart, from the sea to the hills, And wbuch in one glorious anthem combines, Its holiest hopes and its noblest designs. 2. Keep step to the music— through traitors advance, With a banner of bloack, and with uplifted lance, Be our footfall but firm they will soon pass away, Like the dewdrops of night in the brightness of day. 3. Keep step to the music’ the song of the stars, Which brighten our standard— come peace or come wars, Our step shall be true, and THE UNION shall be The watchword and hope of the brave and the free. 4. Keep step with the music— and trrample in scorn, On fratricide foemen of treachery born, Tear down their black banner, and raise in its stead, The flag ’neath which freemen and heroes can tread. 5. Keep step to the music— its tones are as dear, As the voices of home to the patriot’s ear; The march is a Nation’s whose States e’er shall be, “Distinct ad the billows, yet one as the sea.”