[Oct 3rd 1854] "My Father Land or The Dream" (1854) as sung by Jenny Lind [1820-1887] words by Frederica Bremer[1801-1865] arranged by Karl Müller Guitar, 25 C. Nett. ->->-*-<-<- Piano, 25 C. Nett. New York Published by HORACE WATERS 333 Broadway Phila.: G. ANDRE`. Petersburg, Va.: GAINES & RICHES. Chcago: BRABANT & CO. Syracuse: TODD DRAKE & CO. Louisville, Ky.: BRAINARD BRO & CO,. Cincint.: W, C. PETERS & SONS. [Lithographed by] Hays G. W. Ackerman, Engraver PT[printer?] [Source: 188/005@Levy] 1. I dream, I dream of my Fatherland, As fancy my slumber beguiles, Where the spell of beauty each heart enthralls, Where the home of my childhood smiles. Ah yes! I dream of wealth and pow’r, The wildest of visions could will But I wake to the truth in afflictions hour, Of the heart that loves me still I dream, [CHORUS sung after each VERSE] I dream of my Fatherland, I dream of my Fatherland. I dream, I dream of my Fatherland, I dream of my Fatherland. 2. I dream of bright eyes where affection beams, While thine shall with pleasure be bright; And hearts that realize fancy’s dreams, While thine is with happiness light; Many, while fortune her gifts hath spread, Around me, are slaves of my will, But there is one when all shall have fled, That will love me, love me.