[No. 389 Dep. Sept. 27, 1853] To Miss Annie Livings "The First Rose of Summer" Song. Sung with great success troughout California & the Atlantic States by Buckley's New Orleans Serenaders [Words--anonymous] Composed by Frederick Buckley. 25 c. net. Philadelphia: James Couenhoven, 162 Chestnut St. No. 1 Swaims Building Craph & M'ctorthy, sa Plate No. 127.5 [Source: 1853-521520@LoC] 1. ’Twas the first rose of summer That smiled on the morn, And blush’d thro the trees As the earliest born; It peep’d thro’ the foliage Encircled with dew, Unrivall’d in beauty For flowers were few. [REFRAIN sung after each verse] All hail to that rosebud, The first of its kind; May it never be cull’d, E’en a fair brow to bine. Let it bloom in its beauty, For short is its stay, And when others appear, It will wither away, Let it bloom in its beauty, For short is its stay, When others appear, It will wither away. 2. Oh! the summer may come With its myriad flow’rs To hand on the shrubs And a dorn the bright bow’rs. But tho’ gaudier far Be the hues of the rest, The first rose of summer Will still be the best.