"The Green Mountain Yankee" (1852) A Temperance Medley. Arranged & Sung at the Ballad Entertainments of L. Heath. Boston: G.P. Reed & Co., 17 Tremont Row Plate Number: 1627 [Source: 013/063@Levy] 1. I’m right from the mountain just from Vermont, My visit to Boston I now recount, Some notions of trade was my intention, And I went to look back at the great convention, CHORUS 1 And when I got there I do declare, The whole community at me did stare, Just cause I was from Vermont. 2. The Temperance folks than hail come faster, And formed a procession in the old cow pasture, Their temperance flags and banners displaying, While the bands of music kept all the time playing; CHORUS 3 O that will be joyful, joyful, joyful, O that will be joyful when young men drink no more. 3. Till they came to the state house to discuss, The cursees of rum and eternal fuss. They made about alchohol reigning o’er us. And they sang a long tune and this was the chorus. CHORUS 2 Hail Columbia happy land, Hail Columbia hap py land. 4. Says I cold water is’nt quite to my mind. I went to the place where pledges were signed. They got me a place and gave me a quill. Catch a weasle asleep (I’ll be hanged if I will:) CHORUS 4 For I will drink cold water When I see fit to do it And when I want it hotter I’ll add some ginger to it. 5. Howsoever their talking such candor evinced, Of their own reformation that I was convinced, Of the evil it brings on us all as one, Say I thats O K, and faith it was done: CHORUS 5 The pledge the pledge I then did sign, And left me branddy rum and wine, And joined the temperance union, And joined the temperance union. 6. With the pledge in my pocket I strides for home, To establish society there on my own, For to put down the sarpently thing, The galls turned out and helped me to sing; CHORUS 6 O come resign your ruby wine, To smiling sons and daughter’s, For there’s nothing so good for the youthful blood, As the pure and the sparkling waters. 7. Hot old deacon Simpkins he loved his cup, Of rum and molasses and he would’nt give up, He said he was willing the pledge to sign, If just allowed to drink cider and wine: CHORUS 7 Will you, will you, will you, will you come sign the pledge, Will you, will you, will you, will you come sign the pledge. 8. Now deacon said I you must come to it, With moral suasion I made him do it, By saying if he would I’d marry his daughter And he quickly agreed to drink nothing but water: CHORUS 8 And leave his brandy, rum and porter, Sign the pledge and drink cold water, Clear the track; clear the track; clear the track of rum and porter, Sign the pledge and drink cold water. 9. Now the slickest notion I’ve found in my life, Was signing the pledge and it got me a wife, I’ll preach against rum as long as I’ve breath And the pesky old critter I’ll fight until death. CHORUS 9 O that will be joyful, joyful, joyful, O that will be joyful when mankind drink no more.