To Miss Louisa Pyne "The Carrier Dove" (31 May 1852) A Lay of the Minstrel BALLAD Written by George Pope Morris. Composed for Mrs. Emma Gillingham Bostwick by William Vincent Wallace, 1812-1865 New York: William Hall & Son, 239 Broadway Plate No. 1863 [Source: 551700@LoC] Hark to the lay of the Carrier Dove, Of knightly faith and woman’s love: As sung in days of yore By a gay young Troubadour, By a gay young Troubadour. While before St. Agnes’ shrine, Knelt a true knight’s ladylove, From the wars of Palestine Came a gentle Carrier dove; Round his neck a silken string Round the words the warrior writ; At her call he stoop’d his wing, And upon her finger lit. She like one enchanted pored O’er the heart cherish’d scroll, For that lady lov’d her lord With a pure devoted soul. To her heart the dove she drew While she traced the burning line Then away his minton flew Back to Sainted Palestine, to Palestine, to Palestine. To and fro from land to land Came and went a Carrier dove, Till throughout the holy land War resigned his sword to Love. Swift her dove on wings of light Brought the news from Palestine, And the Lady her true Knight Wedded at St. Agnes’ shrine. Thus ends the lay of the Carrier dove, Of knightly fame and woman’s love; As sung in days of yore By a gay young Troubadour, By a gay young Troubadour, By a gay young Troubadour.