"Do They Miss Me at Home" (1852) The Music by S. M. Grannis and affectionately dedicated to The Loved Circle at Home Sung by the AMPHIONS at their Principle Concerts thoughout the Country [Source: 126/015@Levy] 1. Do they miss me at home Do they miss me at home? 'Twould be an assurance most dear To know that this moment some loved one Were saying I wish he were here To feel that the group at the fireside Were thinking of me as I roam Oh yes 'twould be joy beyond measure To know that they missed me at home To know that they missed me at home. 2. When twilight approached the season That ever is sacred to song Does some one repeat my name over And sigh that I tarry so long And is there a chord in the music That's missed when my voice is away And a chord in each heart that awaketh Regret at my wearisome stay, Regret at my wearisome stay. 3. Do they set me a chair near the table When evening's home pleasures are nigh, When the candles are lit in the parlor, And the stars in the calm azure sky? And when the "good nights" are repeated And all lay them down to their sleep, Do they think of the absent, and waft me A whispered "good night" while they weep? A whispered "good night" while they weep? 4. Do they miss me at home -- do they miss me At morning, at noon or at night? And lingers one gloomy shade round them That only my presence can light? Are joys less invitingly welcome, And pleasures less hale than before, Because one is missed from the circle Because I am with them no more? Because I am with them no more?