"A Little More Cider" (1852) Words and Music---anon. Arranged by Austin Hart [Source: pages 126-127 of "Minstrel Songs, Old and New" (1883)] 1. I love the white girl and the black, and I love all the rest, I love the girls for loving me, but I love myself the best. O, dear I am so thirsty, I've just been down to supper, I drank three pails of apple jack, and a tub of apple butter. CHORUS O, little more cider too, a lttle more cider too, a lttle more cider for Miss Dinah, A litte more cider too. 2. When I saw Miss Snowflake, 'twas on Broadway I spied her, I'd give my hat and boots, I would, if I could have been beside her; She looked at me, I looked at her, and then I crossed the street, And then she smiling said to me, a little more cider sweet. (CHORUS) 3. Oh, I wish I was an apple, and Snowflake was another, Oh, what a pretty pair we'd make, upon a tree together; How bad de darkies all would feel, when on the tree the spied her, To think how we would be, when we're made into cider. (CHORUS) 4. But now old age comes creeping, we grow down and don't get bigger, And cider sweet and sour then, and I am just de nigger; But let the cause be what it will, short, small or wider, She am de apple of my soul, and I'm bound to be beside her. (CHORUS)