"Ossian's Serenade (1850) [D major] [with a PORTRAIT of, with the caption:] P.T. Barnum, introducing Madelle. Jenny Lind to Ossian E. Dodge, The "Boston vocalist," & purchaser of the $625 Ticket for the first Concert of the Sweedish [sic] Nightingale in Boston As Sung By Ossian E. Dodge at Most of His Fashionable Entertainments Throughout the UNION. Boston: Oliver Ditson, 115 Washington St. Plate number: 2632 [Source: 188/024@Levy] 1. Oh come with me to my little canoe, Where the sea is calm and the sky is blue, Oh! come with me for I long to go To those Isles where the mango apples grow, Oh! come with me and be my love, For thee the jungle depth I値l rove, I値l gather the honey comb bright as gold, And chase the Elk to its secret hole. [CHORUS sung twice after each VERSE] I値l chase the Antelope over the plain, The Tiger cub I値l bind with a chain, And the wild Gazelle with its silvery feet I値l give thee for a playmate sweet. 2. I値l climb the palm for the Bias nest, Red peas I値l gather to deck they breast I値l pierce the cocoa痴 cup for its wine, And haste to thee if thou値t be mine, Then come with me in my light canoe, While the sea is calm and the sky is blue, For should we linger another day Storms may arise and love decay. 3. Oh come if the love thou hast for me, Is pure and fresh as mine for thee, Fresh as the fountain under ground, When first 稚is by the Lapwing found Our sands are bare and down their slope The silvery footed Antelope, As gracefully and gaily springs As o弾r the marbled sourts of kings.