[Rec'd April 21, 1850] The Songs of the Sable Harmonists, Christys, and Cambells Minstrels, Sung Throught United States, Canada, and Great Britain. Arranged for the Piano Forte by Frank Spencer. ==$== ROARING RIVER. LETS BE GAY. WE AM DE SABLE HARMONISTS. HISTORY OB DE WORLD. FLOATING SCOW OF OLD VIRGINIA. LUCY LONG. JENNY BRIGHT. MARY BLANE. LUCY NEAL. DANDY JIM. O SALY WITE. BOATMANS DANCE. ROSA LEE. ==$== 25 [Cts] nett NEW YORK. Published at MILLETS MUSIC SALOON, 329 Broadway. [Source: 451600@LoC] [NOTE: the source is missing significant parts of the piano to the Verse(s), as well as the beginning of the Chorus's melody/parts.] 1. Down on de banks of old Roanoke, Where grows de pine tree and sturdy [oak,] [missing from the source ...] [CHORUS sung after each VERSE] She on de left bank, I on de right. Long did I love her, long did I woo, Master was angry what could I do! Master was angry— what could I do! 2. When ebery means failed and ebery hope, Jane den agreed wid me to elope, Twas what dey call a runaway match, We were to run our masters to catch, Fixed was de day and plannd was de flight, Pompey de lover wid Jenny Birght. 3. Sad was de hour and dark was de night, High was de ribber no boat in sight, Naught dem was left but for me to swim, Swift was de torrent my chance was slim, Love bore me up and ober I swam, On todder bank hight dere Jenny stan. 5. Steep was de bank and climb it I couldnt, Turn round and swim back surely I wouldnt, Jane tried to help me out ob de water, Reachd down her hand but tumbled in arter, Deep was de water where she went down, Loudly I cried for fear she would drown. 5. She sank but rose up and softly cried, Dearest I love thee den sunk and died, Long did I watch and hard did I try, Jenny to save for why should she die, She neer again rose up to my sight, Dark rolld de waters oer Jenny Bright.