Melodies of the Celebrated Cambell Minstrels, as sung by them with undiminished applause. No. 2 of 8 "Tar River" (13 Dec 1848) Hew York: F. Riley & Co., 297 Broadway [Source: 441660@LoC] 1. SOLO Flow gently Tar River, thy cane brakes beside disturb not the rest of my beautiful bride, My [missing from source] Flow gently Tar River, disturb not her dream. CHORUS [sung after each verse] Darkies listen to de tale he's tellin While de lub widin his bosom dwelin does set de niggars heart a swellin till its like to bust, Ah! 2. SOLO Ye wild warbling bull frogs dat croak on de shore, disturb not her slumbers as sweetly she snores, reclining in innocent grace by de side, Den flow gently Tar River disturb no my bride. 3. SOLO Ye trees wave in music you boughs to de sky Ye katydids sing her a soft lullaby All blacksnakes and varmints away from her keep Approach not de place where my Dinah's asleep 4. SOLO But let de pale moon show her face all de night As round as a pot cheese (de niggars delight) While still de ole Tar river rolls gently its tide Singing sweetly to Dinah who sleeps by its side