"Sunny Lake" (4 Aug 1848) Ballad Words by a member of the Boston Benedict Club and respectfully dedicated to Miss Mary P. Thornton Music composed & arranged by John P. Ordway. Boston: A & J. P. ORDWAY, 339 Washington St. Plate No. 27-5 [Source: 431790@LoC] 1. Far away, nestled deep in the green woods around it, Sunny Lake lies enshrined in calm beauty’s embrace, Weeping willows bend o’er, and huge pine trees surround it, and the smile of the Great Spirit dimples its face; Weeping willows bend o’er and huge pine trees surround it and the smile of the Great Spirit, dimples its face. 2. When the shadows of twilight descend on the valley and the whippoorwill pours forth its sor rowful lay, On the banks Sunny Lake, the young village girls daily; and with innocent sports wile the evening away; on thy banks Sunny Lake, the young village girls daily and with innocent sports wile the evening away. 3. On thy marge the fierce savage his fond wife caressing, after hunting the red deer or routing the foe, Saw in thee and thy beauty the Great Spirit’s blessing and exulted in freedom long ages ago Saw in thee and thy beauty the Great Spirit’s blessing and exulted in freedom long ages ago. 4. When upon thy glad ripples my light bark is veering, Or perchance idly moored breath some sheltering brake. I oft wish that life’s sea we are carelessly steering, were as free from dark shadows as the Sunny Lake. I oft wish that life’s sea we are carelessly steering, Were as free from dark shadows as thou Sunny Lake.