"Oh What a World This Might Be" (27 Jul 1848) Song Words by Charles Swain Music by Franz Petersilea Boston: G. P. Reed, 17 Tremont Row Plate No. 1091 [Source: 32100@LoC] 1. Oh! what a world this might be, If hearts were always kind; If, friendship none would slight thee, And fortune proved less blind! With Love’s own voice to guide us— Unchanging e’er and fond— With all we wish beside us And not a care beyond. Oh! what a world this might be, More blest that that of yore! Come learn, and ’twill requite ye, To love each other more! To love each other more! 2. Oh! what a world of beauty A loving heart might play— If man but did his duty, And helped his brother man! Then angel guests would brighten The threshold with their wings, And love divine enlighten The old forgotten springs. Oh! what a world of beauty A loving heart might plan; If man but did his duty, And helped his brother man! And helped his brother man!