"De Lubley Sukey Dough Nut" (22 Sep 1848) Written & Composed by William Clifton New York: Joseph F. Atwill [Source: 1848-441820@LoC] 1. De lubly Sukey Dough Nut, She make de hoe cake, Den cook’d de possum in de fat, Dat cum from rattle snake; She comb de little nigger heads, Wid rake dat massa bought, And fri’d dem in de possom fat, Eb’ry one she cought. CHORUS [sung after each verse] Dese be de joys ob de darkey’s life, In de little nigger hut he had a little wife, Dar you see dem dance to de banjo and de bones, Dey be happy all dar life. 2. And when dat Sambo cum home, He ax her for some bread, When Sukey wid de rake begin; To comb his wooly head, [Sam] Now wharfore what you want to do, I hope you tell me why, [Suke] I want a good fat possom, Sam, For you, dat I may fry. [Sam] 3. Den what you do wid dem dar, You got upon dat dish. [Suke] Oh, dem be little soger crabs, Dey good when fri’d wid fish; [Sam] And whar you get de soger crab, And whar de fish to fry, [Suke] I get dem out dat old bag, Dat hang up dar to dry. [Sam] 4. Why dat be massa’s ole cheese, He all alibe to day, [Suke] I only took dem dat cum out, And try to run away; [Sam] Why massa will be angry Suke, He make you feel de rat. [Suke] I cook him one two tre plates full, And ebry one was fat. [Sam] 5. Den cook some more for me, Suke, I almost hungry be, [Suke] Oh, yes, you shall have plenty, Sam, But you must first kiss me; [Sam] Oh, yes, my lubly Sukey dear, I’ll kiss, if you say must, [Suke] Make haste, for massa cumin now, He always want de first.