The Celebrated Negro Melodies, No. 6 of 6 as sung by the Virginial Serenaders "Old King Crow" (21 Oct 1847) Words and Music by Anthony F. Winnemore Adapted for the Piano Forte by Thomas Comer Boston: George P. Reed, 17 Tremont Row [Source: 420800@LoC] 1. Now gemmen hear what I'se gwoin to say, It am a fac and dat you know, It cum for pass on a weary fine day, And its all about an "Ole King Crow!" [REFRAIN sung after each verse] Old King Crow; He's de blackest tief I know, He neber says nuffin But Caw! Caw! Caw! [SAMBO] Jenny get yer hoe cake [JENNY] Oh! don't bother me [SAMBO] Fetch along de hoecake [JENNY] I tell you taint done. [SAMBO] Will you bring de hoecake! [JENNY] G'long dont bother me, I'll fotch along de hoecake Soon it am done. 2. I went out in de old corn field, Someting holler hulloa Joe, I look'd up in de old oak tree, And dar he sot dat Old King Crow. 3. Say I old crow get out ob dat, Before I shoot you wid my hoe, He nuffin said but spread his wing, Den away he flew dat Old King Crow.