Songs of the Congo Melodists Arranged with Full Choruses No. 8 of 12 "Bless Dat Lubly Yaller Gal" (1843) Composed and Sung by Charles White New York: Firth & Hall, 733 Broadway & 1 Franklin Square [Source: 018/023@Levy] 1. Oh bless dat lubly yaller gal, Dat some folks call "Miss Dinah;" Oh pity me ye niggas all And tell where I can find her; Oh now she's gone and left you For fear dat you might harm her. Today after tomorrow, She's gone to Alabama. 2. Her hair is like de shining silk, She's fat and round as rorus, She feed upon good mush and milk And morus multirorus. Oh now she's gone and left me, My heart is fill'd wid sorrow. I'll find some oder yaller gal, An I'll marry her tomorrow.