Dedicated to his Friend Lieut. A. Kelty U.S.N. "The Sailor Boy's Grave" (1841) Words & Music Written & Composed by J. Martin, Esqr. (of Clifton). Baltimore: Geo. Willig Jr. Plate Number: 1337 [Source: 042/117a@Levy] 1. Oh bury me not in the dark cold grave With the rank weeds growing o’er me. But let me sleep ’neath the silent wave, The seanymphs watching o’er me. But let me sleep ’neath the silent wave, The seanymphs watching o’er me. I ask so proud marble to mark the spot Where the Sailor Boy is sleeping. [REFRAIN sung after each verse] He is not there alone, he will not be forgot Where the mermaids are nightly weeping. He is not there alone, he will not be forgot Where the mermaids are nightly weeping. 2. No— the spirits that hover o’er the deep, E’en in the silent night, Will pause by his grave, but not to weep, When the stars are shining bright. There’ll be nought to disturb the stillness there, But the night wind genttly driven. Or the low flutter of the seafowl near, Or the distant echo given. 3. The flowers may bloom and the gay birds sing, Where the Cypress waves its head. But what care I if the violets spring— Are they heeded by the dead? Then bury me not in the dark cold grave Where the worms their vigils keep; Let my windling sheet be the ocean’s wave— Oh! tis there I’d wish to sleep.