"Sit by the Summer Sea" (1834) Words by Mrs. HEMANS Music Composed and Respectfully Dedicated to MISS MARY CAMBELL by C. F. COLE Baltimore, MD: J. Cole & Son [Sold by Fiot, Meignen & Co, 217 Chesnut Street, Philad., PA] Plate No. 806 [Source: 043/144@Levy] 1. Sit by the summer Sea Thou whom scorn wasteth And let thy musing be Where the flood hasteth Mark how o’er Ovean’s breast, Rolls the hour billows crest! Such deem his thoughts unrest Who of love tasteth, Who of love tasteth, Who of love tasteth, Ah-ah. 2. Greiv’st thou that hearts should change? Lo! where life reigneth Or the free night may range, What long remaineth? Spring with her flow’rs shall die; Fast fades the gilded sky, And the pale moon on high, Ceaseless ly wa neth, Cease lessly waneth, Ceaselessly waneth. Ah-ah. 3. Smile then oh greatly wise, And if love sever Bonds which the soul doth prize, Such was it ever. Deep as the rolling seas, Soft as the twilight breeze, But of more truth than these, Boast could it never, Boast could it never, Boast could it never. Ah-ah.