"Emblems of Mem'ry Are These Tears" (22 Feb 1800) Sung by Mrs. Warrell at the New Theatre in Commemoration of the first Anniversary of General Washington's Birth-day after his decease 22 Feb. 1800 Philadelphia, PA: G. Willig, No. 185 Market St. [Source: 003/024@Levy] Emblems of Mem ’ry are these tears Sad and disstressing to the Mind Flowing for all succeeding Years From ev’ry Patriot left behind Could they alas his life restore Well might Columbia mourn Yet let the annual Tribute pour To wet the Hero’s Urn Yet let the annual Tribute pour To wet the Hero’s Urn to wet the Hero’s Urn Emblems of Mem’ry are these tears Sad and distressing to the Mind Flowing for all succeeding Years From ev’ry Patriot left behind Flowing for all succeeding Years From ev’ry Patriot left behind From ev’ry Patriot left behind.