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In 2006, Poland produced 1.24 million tonnes of sulfur. Total world production was 65.7 million tonnes.
Poland's production of gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) in 2006 was 1.3615 million tonnes. World production of gypsum in 2006 was 142.5 millions tonnes.
Production of pig iron in Poland in 2006 was 5.332 million tonnes. Total world production of pig iron in 2006 was 925.8 million tonnes.
In 2006, Poland's production of copper by mining was 497200 tonnes, total world production was 15.1 million tonnes.
In 2006, Poland produced 556625 tonnes of refined copper, total production of refined copper was 17.2 million tonnes.
In 2006, Poland produced 87 tonnes of selenium.
Poland is one of the principal producers of silver.
In 2006, Poland produced 2034 tonnes of barytes (BaSO4), the main source of barium. World production of barytes in 2006 was 8.8 million tonnes.
In 2006, Poland's mine production of gold was approx. 1.7 tonnes. Total amount of gold mined in 2006 was 2310 tonnes.
In 2006, Poland produced 50000 tonnes of lead from mining. The total amount of lead mined in 2006 was 3.5 million tonnes.
In 2006, Poland's production of refined lead was 73000 tonnes. Total world production of refined lead in 2006 was 8 million tonnes.