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In 2006, Pakistan produced approx. 1050 tonnes of fluorspar (CaF2). World production was around 5.5 million tonnes.
Pakistan's production of gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) in 2006 was 601028 tonnes. World production of gypsum in 2006 was 142.5 millions tonnes.
In 2006, Pakistan produced 64572 tonnes of chromium ores and concentrates. Total worldwide production in 2006 was 19.2 million tonnes.
Pakistan's production of iron ore in 2006 was 131259 tonnes. Total world production of iron ore in 2006 was 1.81 billion tonnes.
Production of pig iron in Pakistan in 2006 was approx. 1.5 million tonnes. Total world production of pig iron in 2006 was 925.8 million tonnes.
In 2006, Pakistan's production of copper by mining was 18700 tonnes, total world production was 15.1 million tonnes.
In 2006, Pakistan produced 1290 tonnes of strontium minerals.
In 2006, Pakistan produced 44183 tonnes of barytes (BaSO4), the main source of barium. World production of barytes in 2006 was 8.8 million tonnes.
In 2006, Pakistan's production of refined lead was approx. 2000 tonnes. Total world production of refined lead in 2006 was 8 million tonnes.