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In 2006, Finland produced 615 thousand tonnes of sulfur. Total world production was 65.7 million tonnes.
In 2006, Finland produced 549 thousand tonnes of chromium ores and concentrates. Total worldwide production in 2006 was 19.2 million tonnes.
Production of pig iron in Finland in 2006 was 3.1579 million tonnes. Total world production of pig iron in 2006 was 925.8 million tonnes.
In 2006, Finland produced 8582 tonnes of cobalt metal. Total world production of cobalt metal, in 2006, was 53400 tonnes.
Finland's mine production of nickel in 2006 was 2800 tonnes. Worldwide mine production of nickel in 2006 was 1.526 million tonnes.
Finland's combined smelter/refinery production of nickel in 2006 was 47469 tonnes. Worldwide smelter/refinery production of nickel in 2006 was 1.337 million tonnes.
In 2006, Finland's production of copper by mining was 13 thousand tonnes, total world production was 15.1 million tonnes.
In 2006, Finland produced 137961 tonnes of refined copper, total production of refined copper was 17.2 million tonnes.
In 2006, Finland produced 70 tonnes of selenium.
In 2006, Finland's mine production of gold was 1.3 tonnes. Total amount of gold mined in 2006 was 2310 tonnes.
In 2006, Finland produced 22820 tonnes, around 1.6% of the world total.