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Carbon (Diamond)
Australia boasts the richest diamondiferous pipe with production reaching peak levels of 42 metric tons per year in the 1990s. It is estimated that Australia has reserves of around 230 million carats.
Australia has large deposits of bauxite, aluminium ore, and is one of the primary mining countries as well as being a major producer and exporter of alumina. Australia produced 62 million tonnes of bauxite in 2005. The Australian deposits have some refining problems, some being high in silica but have the advantage of being shallow and relatively easy to mine.
In 2006, Australia produced 941 thousand tonnes of sulfur. Total world production was 65.7 million tonnes.
Australia's production of gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) in 2006 was approx. 4.186 million tonnes. World production of gypsum in 2006 was 142.5 millions tonnes.
The nickel and cobalt mines at Syerston and Lake Innes, New South Wales, Australia, contain scadium. But as of 2003 this mine was not extracting scandium from the ore residues.
In 2006, Australia produced 2.37 million tonnes, making it the largest producer, of ilmenite (FeTiO3), and 232000 tonnes of rutile (TiO2), the only two commercially important titanium ores.
Australia also produced 133000 tonnes of Leucoxene, a fine granular alteration product of titanium minerals. It is not a valid mineral species and consists mainly of rutile or anatase. It is observed in some igneous rocks and iron ore deposits as the result of the alteration of ilmenite, perovskite, or titanite.
In 2006, Australia produced 107103 tonnes of chromium ores and concentrates. Total worldwide production in 2006 was 19.2 million tonnes.
Australia has important mangansed deposits.
Australia's production of iron ore in 2006 was 275.042 million tonnes tonnes. Total world production of iron ore in 2006 was 1.81 billion tonnes.
Production of pig iron in Australia in 2006 was 6.433 million tonnes. Total world production of pig iron in 2006 was 925.8 million tonnes.
In 2006, Australia's mine production of cobalt was approx. 5700 tonnes. Total world production of cobalt from mining, in 2006, was 59000 tonnes.
Australia's mine production of nickel in 2006 was 185000 tonnes, the third largest producer. Worldwide mine production of nickel in 2006 was 1.526 million tonnes.
Australia's combined smelter/refinery production of nickel in 2006 was 116000 tonnes. Worldwide smelter/refinery production of nickel in 2006 was 1.337 million tonnes.
In 2006, Australia's production of copper by mining was 875000 tonnes, total world production was 15.1 million tonnes.
In 2006, Australia produced 429000 tonnes of refined copper, total production of refined copper was 17.2 million tonnes.
In 2006, Australia was the second largest producer of zinc, with around 1.3 million tonnes, about 12% of world total.
In 2006, Australia produced 492000 tonnes of zircon (ZrSiO4), the main commercial source of zirconium, making it the world's largest producer.
In 2007, Australia was one of the world's top producers of silver, the Cannington mine in Queensland being one of the world's top silver-producing mines.
In 2006, Australia produced 425 tonnes of cadmium, world production was around 21100 tonnes.
Australia's mine production of tin in 2006 was 1478 tonnes. World production in 2006 was 321 thousand tonnes.
Australia's smelter production of tin in 2006 was 572 tonnes. World smelter production in 2006 was 340 thousand tonnes.
In 2006, Australia produced 31000 tonnes of barytes (BaSO4), the main source of barium. World production of barytes in 2006 was 8.8 million tonnes.
In 2006, Australia produced 13 tonnes of tungsten, as scheelite (CaWO4). Total world production of tungsten in 2006 was 74400 tonnes.
In 2006, Australia's mine production of gold was 247 tonnes. Total amount of gold mined in 2006 was 2310 tonnes.
In 2006, Australia produced 668000 tonnes of lead from mining. The total amount of lead mined in 2006 was 3.5 million tonnes.
In 2006, Australia's production of refined lead was 241000 tonnes. Total world production of refined lead in 2006 was 8 million tonnes.
In 2006, Australia produced approx. 100 tonnes of bismuth, total world production of bismuth in 2006 was around 5200 tonnes.
Deposits of the uranium-bearing ore that contains radium, pitchblende, are found in Australia.
It's believed that Australia has reserves of around 340 tonnes of monazite, the primary thorium mineral.
Australia was the second largest producer of uranium in 2006, 7606 tonnes, around 19.4% of the world total.
Australia has 40% of the world's uranium ore reserves and the world's largest single uranium deposit, located at the Olympic Dam Mine in South Australia.